InFacts about India-16 January 2022



Kohima is called the land of the Angami Naga tribe and derives its name from ‘Kewhira’ or ‘Kewhima’, meaning the land where the Kewhi flower grows.

The city serpentines along the mountain ranges to the top and offers a pristine and seamless blend of nature and tribal traditions and culture.


Pradyumna was son of Lord Krishna and 61st grandson of Adinarayan. His mother was Rukmini, whom Lord Krishna had abducted from Vidarbha on her invitation.

Pradyumna was born in Dvaraka. He was the incarnate of the demigod Kamdeva.

LEARN Sanskrit

अति सर्वनाशहेतुर्ह्यतोऽत्यन्तं विवर्जयेत्।

ati sarvanāśaheturhyato’tyantaṃ vivarjayet।

Excess is the cause of the ruin.
Hence one should avoid it in any case.​

अति सर्वनाश का कारण है।
इसलिये अति का सर्वथा परिहार करे।


Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar 1 Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar

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