InFacts about India-07-August-2023

Fenugreek seeds



There is a scientific reason behind the ‘ Namaskar ’

🙏🏻in Indian culture. Joining both hands ensures touching the tips of all the fingers together, which are linked to pressure points in the eyes, ears, and mind. Pressing them together is said to activate these, helping us remember that person for a long time.

💁🏻‍♂‍ GK TODAY

Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, measuring just 0.2 square miles. With an area of 49 hectares (121 acres) and a population of about 805.

All citizens of Vatican City are Roman Catholic. The only people allowed to live in the Vatican City are clergy (religious people) and the Swiss Guards who are the Police force of the country. Over 2,400 other people work in the country but they travel in each day from Italy.


Mankombu Sambasivan Swaminathan (born 7 August 1925) is an Indian geneticist and administrator, known for his role in India’s Green Revolution, a program under which high-yield varieties of wheat and rice were planted.
Swaminathan has been called the “Father of Green Revolution in India” for his role in introducing and further developing high-yielding varieties of wheat in India.

Bits and Pieces– small things of different types

Yell : shout, shriek

Yell x Whisper


Fenugreek seeds / Methi Sabood

A. Swallow a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds (without chewing) with water for immediate relief of loose motions

B. Soaked fenugreek seeds help keep acidity away, which in turn also promotes good digestion.

C. The most commonly claimed fenugreek benefits are milk production in new mothers, blood sugar levels, testosterone and male libido, and treating inflammation.

Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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