InFacts about India-06 October 2022

sant tukaram


Belgaum is a city in the Indian state of Karnataka located in its northern part along the Western Ghats

The city original name was Venugrama, a Sanskrit word which means “village of bamboo”. Alternatively, it is referred to as Venupura in early Indian texts, which means “city of bamboo”. … In 1474, the Bahmani Sultanate conquered Belgaum with an army led by Mahamood Gawan. They use to pronounce Venugram as Belgaum.


Tukaram was a Marathi Bhakti poet and a devotee of Lord Krishna born in 1608* . His complete name was Tukaram Bolhoba Ambiye. His parents were devotees of Vithoba, an avatar of Hindu deity Vishnu (Vaishnavas). Both his parents died when Tukaram was a teenager. Sant Tukaram’s first wife was Rakhama Bai, and they had a son named Santu. However, both his son and wife starved to death in the famine of 1630–1632.

Tukaram married again, and his second wife was Avalai Jija Bai.[3][9] He spent most of his later years in devotional worship, community kirtans (group prayers with singing) and composing Abhanga poetry.

Sant Tukaram composed Abhanga poetry, a Marathi genre of literature which is metrical (traditionally the ovi meter), Tukaram disappeared (not died) in 1649 or 1650.

LEARN Sanskrit
अवश्यकरणीय च मा त्वां कालोऽत्यागदयम।

avaśyakaraṇīya ca mā tvāṃ kālo’tyāgadayama।

Do whatever you have to do, don’t waste time

जो कर्म अवश्य करना है, उसे कर डालो, समय बीत ना जाये।

Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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