Hyper Loop

Hyper Loop

It is a proposed high speed transportation system for both public and goods transport .

This is based on the vactrain concept .

Hyperloop system comprises of three essential elements :

  1. Tubes
  2. Pods
  3. Terminals

Tube : It is a large sealed , low pressure system .

Pods : It is a coach pressurized at atmospheric pressure that runs substantially free of air resistance or friction inside the tube .

Terminals : Will handle the arrival and departure of  pods

Vactrain concept

It is a proposed design for a very high speed rail transportation . Vactrain or vacuum tube train .

As the name suggests its a design where the train runs in a tube which has reduced  air resistance and thus will increase the speed immensely .

Elon Musk

Brought the concept of Hyperloop in light in a 2012 speaking event.

Musk  promoted the concept of Hyperloop by publishing a white paper in August 2013, which conceived of a hyperloop route running from the Los Angeles region to the San Francisco Bay Area, roughly following the Interstate 5 corridor.

The hyperloop concept has been promoted by Musk and SpaceX, and other companies or organizations have been encouraged to collaborate and develop the technology.

Companies working on it :

  • Space X
    • Conducted pod design competitions in which Technical University of Munich won.
  • Virgin Hyperloop
    • Is an American transportation technology company that works to commercialise the high speed travel concept called the Hyperloop.
    • Conducted first human trial in November 2020 at its test site in LA .
    • Reaching speed of 172km/ hr .


Normally any mode of transportation has to  face  friction and air resistance which hinders the speed .

But in the hyperloop both of these things are taken care of and thus , as a result the hyperloop will be able to reach such a high speed .

Friction : pods will use Maglev technology . Opposite sides of the  magnet attract while the same side repels .

i.e north , north will repel and will not touch each other ever .

Taking advantage of this principle, pods will be afloat on air and thus will beat friction .

This technology is already used in bullet trains .

Air resistance :  vacuum will generate the tube .

Only 10% of the air will remain inside to avoid collapsing of the structure .

By removing most of the air a low pressure zone will be created inside  the tube .

Vehicles were given pointier fronts to reduce the drag , but in this the air will be removed and  speed will be increased immensely .


  • Pollution free
  • High speed (estimated to cross 700mph)
  • Noiseless system
  • Saves time
  • Use of solar power makes it eco friendly also .


  • Heavy investment .
  • Environment .

For construction of tube trees could be required to be cut thus affecting the environment of the area .

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Malvika Tiwari Malvika Tiwari,

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