Game of NFS: DTF Condemns Escalating ‘Not Found Suitable’ Cases in Delhi University Reserved Teaching Posts

Hibiscus Tea 16

In a strong statement, the Democratic Teachers’ Front (DTF) has raised concerns over the increasing number of “Not Found Suitable” (NFS) cases in the recruitment of teaching posts reserved for marginalized communities at Delhi University and its affiliated colleges. This issue has sparked outrage as it reflects the institution’s failure to meet its constitutional obligations toward reservation.

The minutes of the Executive Council (EC) meetings reveal a disheartening scenario. A significant number of cases have surfaced where candidates from reserved categories were either marked as NFS, “No candidate shortlisted” (NCS), or “No candidate applied” (NCA). These labels have been consistently used to justify the non-fulfillment of reserved teaching posts, particularly at the Associate Professor and Professor levels.

A recent pie-chart, presented during the EC meeting on 8th March 2024, starkly highlights the university’s dismal performance in appointing candidates to reserved positions. The data shows that despite the availability of eligible candidates, many departments have deliberately kept these positions vacant by marking candidates as NFS during the interview process.

The situation has worsened with the university’s insistence on stringent publication criteria, requiring research papers to be listed in the UGC CARE list or indexed by SCOPUS. This has led to a higher failure rate among candidates from reserved categories, who face additional barriers in meeting these requirements.

DTF has condemned this practice, accusing the university of systematically undermining the rights of marginalized communities. The organization demands immediate action to address the rampant use of NFS and to ensure that reserved teaching posts are filled with qualified candidates without any discriminatory practices.

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