Education Section – 9 June 2024

The Pangong

The Pangong Tso lake is a long deep narrow lake that is situated at a height of 4,350 metres in the Ladakh region. The lake is 134 km long and 5 km broad. It is a brackish water lake. It freezes in winter and is ideal for polo and ice skating.

It is the disputed area between India and China mostly passes in the land. However, the Pangong Tso lake is unique where the disputed border passes through the water. However, the lake lies in the path of Chushul approach. It is the approach that China uses.


BASICALLY THERE ARE 18 MAHA PURANAS. Vyasa, the son of Rishi Parasara, is said to be the author of them all:

Agni Purana.

Bhagavata Purana:

Brahma/Aadi Purana

Brahmananda Purana

Brahmavaivarta Purana

Garuda Purana

Kurma Purana

Linga Purana

Markandeya Purana

Matsya Purana

Narada Purana

Padma Purana

Shiva Purana

Skanda Purana

Vamana, Varaha, Vayu & Vishnu Purana.

आज का पंचांग

09 – जून – 2024
दिन – रविवार
संम्वत् – २०८१
युगाब्द – ५१२६
मास – ज्येष्ठा
पक्ष – शुक्ल
तिथि – तृतीया
नक्षत्र – पुनर्वसु
योग – वृद्धि
करण – गर वणिज
सूर्योदय – ५:२३ सूर्यास्त – ७:१५
राहु काल ४:३० से ६:०० बजे तक सायं काल।
🌹।। सुभाषित।।🌹
बन्धनं मरणं वापि जयो वापि पराजयः।
उभयत्र समो वीरः वीरभावो हि वीरता।।

अर्थात् – बंधन हो या मृत्यु हो, हार हो या जीत हो, सच्चा वीर वही होता है, जो हर स्थिति में वीरता के भाव को धारण रखता है, अर्थात एक समान रहता है। यही वीरता है
🚩🕉🌹🕉️ 🚩

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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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