Education Section – 30 July 2024

kingdom of Kalinga

 Orissa is the modern name of the ancient kingdom of Kalinga, which was invaded by the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka in 261 BCE. The modern state of Orissa was established on 1 April 1936, as a province in British India & consisted predominantly of Oriya speakers.

Odisha known in the past as Kalinga, Utkal or Odradesa or Utkala Dibasa. This Utkala word can hear in our National Anthem. Later on Utkala became Urisha, Orissa and now Odhisa. The name of the state Orissa to Odisha changed with effect from November 01, 2011.

 *In Ramayana* 

*Bali* , the king of Kishkindha, was the elder brother of Sugreev. He was a son o Indra who had given him a celestial necklace. It was a necklace with special properties for, after wearing it, if Bali battled with anyone, half the strength of his opponent would be transferred to him.

 *Sugreev wife* name was *Ruma or Roma* 

 *Bali* was invincible during Treta Yuga. Nali defeated some of the greatest warriors like Ravana. Bali was blessed with the ability to obtain half the strength of his opponent. Hence, Rama killed Bali by hiding behind the trees.

After Bali’s death, Sugriva reclaimed the vanara kingdom, took back his wife, *Rumā* and took over Bali’s main wife, *Tara* , who became empress and her son by Bali, Angada, who became crown prince.
आज का पंचांग

30 – जुलाई – 2024
दिन – मंगलवार
संम्वत् – २०८१
युगाब्द – ५१२६
मास – श्रावण
पक्ष – कृष्ण
तिथि -‌ दशमी
नक्षत्र – कृतिका
योग – वृद्धि
करण -‌ विष्टि भद्र बव
सूर्योदय – ५:४१ सूर्यास्त – ७:१०
राहु काल ३:०० से ४:३० बजे तक अपराह्न काल।
🌹।। सुभाषित।।🌹
त्रपन्ते तीर्थानि त्वरितमिह यस्योद्धृतिविधौ
करं कर्णे कुर्वन्त्यपि किल कपालिप्रभृतयः।
इमं तं मामम्ब त्वमियमनुकम्पार्द्रहृदये
पुनाना सर्वेषां अघमथन दर्पं दलयसि॥

अर्थात्- मुझ जैसे पतित को, जिसे तारने में शिव जैसे देव ने भी कानों पर हाथ रख कर और अनेक तीर्थों ने लज्जित हो कर अपनी असमर्थता व्यक्त कर दी, अपनी अनुकम्पा से तार कर, हे दयार्द्र हृदया माँ! आपने तो जैसे सभी तारकों के पापहारिता के दर्प का दलन कर दिया।
🚩🕉🌹🕉️ 🚩
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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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