Tripura is a hilly state in northeast India, bordered on 3 sides by Bangladesh. It’s Capital: Agartala . The third-smallest state in the country,
Tripura meaning three cities, but the origin of the name of Tripura is still a matter of controversy among historians and researchers. … Many researchers explain the name ‘Tripura’ from its etymological origin: the word ‘Tripura’ is a compound of two separate words, ‘ tui’ (water) + ‘pra’ (near) which in totality means ‘ near water’.
The area of modern Tripura—ruled for several centuries by the Manikya dynasty —was part of an independent princely state under the protectorate of the British Empire. The independent Tripuri Kingdom (also known as Hill Tippera) joined the newly independent India in 1949. An ancient name of Tripura is Kirat Desh (English: “The land of Kirat”), probably referring to the Kirata Kingdoms or the more generic term Kirata.
Following the independence of India in 1947, Tippera district – the estate in the plains of British India – became a part of East Pakistan, and Hill Tippera remained under a regency council until 1949. The Maharani Regent of Tripura signed the Tripura Merger Agreement on 9 September 1949, as a result of which Tripura became a Part C state of India.
The word ” Veda ” means knowledge and it is divided into a structural pattern of four distinct categories which is the foundation of the caste system in India.
The oldest of all Vedas are Rigveda, Yajurveda , Samaveda and lastly Atharvaveda . Brahmins once in an annual year perform the Rigveda Upakarna ceremony on a specific date and time. As per the Hindu calendar, the Rigveda Upakarna 2021 shall be celebrated this 12 months on July 26, Sunday. The Rigveda Upakarna 2021 rituals shall be noticed within the holy month of Shravana throughout the Shukla Paksha interval. On the event of Rigveda Upakarna 2021, Rig Vedic Brahmins will change their scared threads( JANEU) from an outdated to a brand new one adopted by some rituals. The Rigveda Upakarna significance is much higher in states like Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Telangana, Karnata and Andhra Pradesh. In Tamil Nadu state, the Rigveda Upakarna ritual is called “Avani Avittam.
आज का पंचांग
29 – जुलाई – 2024
दिन – सोमवार
संम्वत् – २०८१
युगाब्द – ५१२६
मास – श्रावण
पक्ष – कृष्ण
तिथि - नवमी
नक्षत्र – भरणी
योग – गंण्ड
करण - तैतिल गर वणिज
सूर्योदय – ५:४१ सूर्यास्त – ७:११
राहु काल ७:३० से ९:०० बजे तक प्रातः काल।
🌹।। सुभाषित।।🌹
कियन्तः सन्त्येके नियतमिह लोकार्थघटकाः
परे पूतात्मानः कति च परलोकप्रणयिनः ।
सुखं शेते मातस्तव खलु कृपातः पुनरयम्
जगन्नाथः शश्वत्त्त्वयि निहितलोकत्रयभरः॥
अर्थात्- माँ, कितने हैं जो सामान्य जन का कल्याण करने को तत्पर हैं? कितनी पुण्यात्माएं परलोकाभिलाषा में हैं. ये तो आपकी करुणा है जिस पर शाश्वत त्रिभुवनतारण का भार जान कर ये जगन्नाथ निश्चिन्तता से सुख से सो रहा है।
🚩🕉🌹🕉️ 🚩
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भगवतानुग्रह प्राप्तिरस्तु
(bhagavat aanugrah praaptirastu) : GOD BLESS YOU
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