Education Section – 27 May 2024

Lepakshi in Andhra Pradesh

Longest railway platforms

(a) Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India:1,366.33 m (4,483 ft)

(b) Kollam Junction, Kerala, India:1,180.5 m (3,873 ft)

(c) Kharagpur Junction, West Bengal, India: 1,072.5 m (3,519 ft)


Jatayu ( जटायुः) is a demi-god who has the form of a vulture or eagle. He is the younger son of Aruṇa and his wife Shyeni, as well as the brother of Sampati and an old friend of Dasharatha (Rama’s father). Jatayu was the first person who tried to rescue Sita from the clutches of Ravana while he was taking her to Lanka.

According to the legend, it is believed that Jatayu fell on the rocks in Chadayamangalam in Kerala after his wings were clipped off by Ravana. Formerly, the place was called Jatayumangalam.

Lepakshi in Andhra Pradesh is also attributed as the place where Jatayu fell after being wounded by Ravana. Rama is said to have commanded the bird to rise, saying Le Pakshi (literally: “Get up, Bird” in Telugu), hence the name for the village

LEARN Sanskrit
तदनन्तर – बाद में (after that/this)

आज का पंचांग

27 – मई – 2024
दिन – सोमवार
संम्वत् – २०८१
युगाब्द – ५१२६
मास – ज्येष्ठा
पक्ष – कृष्ण
तिथि – चतुर्थी
नक्षत्र – पूर्वाषाढा
योग – शुभ शुक्ल
करण – बव बालव कौलव
सूर्योदय – ५:२५ सूर्यास्त – ७:०९
राहु काल ७:३० से ९:०० बजे तक प्रातःकाल।
🌹।। सुभाषित।।🌹
तावत् भयस्य भेतव्यं ,
यावत् भयं न आगतम् ।
आगतं हि भयं वीक्ष्य ,
प्रहर्तव्यं अशंकया ॥
अर्थात् – भय से तब तक ही डरना चाहिये जब तक भय (पास) न आया हो । आये हुए भय को देखकर बिना शंका के उस पर् प्रहार् करना चाहिये ।
🚩🕉🌹🕉️ 🚩

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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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