The original name of Patna was Pataliputra or Patalipattan and its history makes a start from the century 600 B.C. The name Patna has undergone many changes at its earliest stages like Pataligram, Kusumpur, Patliputra, Azimabad etc., ultimately terminating to the present one.
Barbarik or Barbarika or Barbaric – The strongest warrior in Mahabharata – Warrior who could finish Kurukshetra war in 1 minute. That’s why Krishna asks for his head in charity so that he is not able to participate in the war.
Barbarika is the son of Ghatotkacha (father) and Ahilawati alias Mauravi(mother) and the grandson of Bhima (or Bheema). Since he is the bearer of three powerful arrows, he came to be known as “Teen Baandhaari”, Agni (God of Fire) gave him the bow that makes him invincible in the three worlds.
Before leaving for Kurukshetra, he promised his mother that if he finds it necessary to fight in the war, he would support and fight along with the side which is losing in the war at that point.
The first arrow to mark all the things (or opponents) that he wants to destroy. Then, using the second arrow, he marks all the things, he wanted to save. Now the third arrow will destroy everyone that is not marked and then return to his quiver.
LEARN Sanskrit
*परिश्रमो मिताहारः भेषजे सुलभे मम |*
parishramo mitaahaarah bheShaje sulabhe mama
nityam te sevamaanasya vyadhirbhyo naasti te bhayam
Hard work and light food. This is the readily available medicine for any disease. If you do these daily, you shall not be afraid of any ailment.
मेहनत और हल्का खाना। यह किसी भी बीमारी के लिए आसानी से उपलब्ध होने वाली दवा है। अगर आप इन्हें रोजाना करते हैं तो आपको किसी भी बीमारी का डर नहीं रहेगा।
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Ms. Pooja, |