Education Section – 23 March 2025

Tulsi Gabbard 84

23 March : Martyrs’ Day has a historical significance as it marks the day in 1931 when Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru, and Sukhdev Thapar were hanged to death during the struggle for India’s independence. 
No doubt, they also sacrificed their lives for the welfare of our nation, whether or not they chose a different path from Mahatma Gandhi. They are the source of inspiration for the youth of India. At such a young age, they came forward, and for independence, they fought with bravery. So, to pay homage to these three revolutionaries.


 Physically the planet Saturn represents Shani Dev. Shani is also the brother of Yama and is considered the god of justice. Some consider Shani as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu to distribute the results of good and bad deeds of people.

LEARN Sanskrit

परिश्रमो मिताहारः भेषजे सुलभे मम | 

नित्यं ते सेवमानस्य व्याधिर्भ्यो नास्ति ते भयम्⁣ || 

parishramo mitaahaarah bheShaje sulabhe mama
nityam te sevamaanasya vyadhirbhyo naasti te bhayam 

Hard work and light food. This is the readily available medicine for any disease.

If you do these daily, you shall not be afraid of any ailment.

मेहनत और हल्का खाना। यह किसी भी बीमारी के लिए आसानी से उपलब्ध होने वाली दवा है। अगर आप इन्हें रोजाना करते हैं तो आपको किसी भी बीमारी का डर नहीं रहेगा।

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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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