Education Section – 16 July 2024



Will biannual admissions in Indian institutions accelerate higher education?
A look at the benefits of the recent UGC announcement on allowing biannual admissions in Indian higher education institutions.

Heavy Rainfall Alert: Educational Institutions in THESE states to remain shut; check when classes will resume
The government authorities have declared a holiday for all educational institutions in Kerala, Karnataka, and Goa due to heavy rain alerts. Check details here.

Climate change threatens to undo educational gains of recent decade: UNESCO.

Climate related stressors like heat, wildfires, floods, droughts, diseases and rising sea levels affect education outcomes and threaten to undo educational gains of recent decade, according to the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM).
The global report compiled by UNESCO, Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education (MECCE) project and University of Saskatchewan in Canada has pointed out that most low and middle-income countries are experiencing climate-related school closures every year, increasing chances of learning loss and dropout.

“Climate change related impacts are already disrupting education systems and outcomes. Direct effects include the destruction of education infrastructure as well as injuries and loss of life among students, parents and school staff. Climate change has a negative impact on education indirectly through its displacement of people and the effects on people’s livelihoods and health,” the report said

कल का पंचांग

16 – जुलाई – 2024
दिन – मंगलवार
संम्वत् – २०८१
युगाब्द – ५१२६
मास – आषाढ़
पक्ष – शुक्ल
तिथि -‌ दशमी
नक्षत्र – विशाखा
योग – साध्य
करण -‌ तैतिल गर
सूर्योदय – ५:३४ सूर्यास्त – ७:१७
राहु काल ३:०० से ४:३० बजे तक अपराह्न काल।
🌹।। सुभाषित।।🌹
विधत्तां निःशङ्कं निरवधि समाधिं विधिरहो
सुखं शेषे शेतां हरि: अविरतं नृत्यतु हरः ।
कृतं प्रायश्चित्तैरलमथ तपोदानयजनैः
सवित्री कामानां यदि जगति जागर्ति भवती॥

अर्थात् – जगत में जब आप जाग्रत हो कम्नापूर्ण कर ही रही हैं, तो भले ब्रह्मा निरवधि समाधिस्थ हो जाएँ, विष्णु सुख से शेष शयन करें या शिव अविरत लास्य करें, तप दान बलि यज्ञादि युक्त प्रायश्चित्त परिष्कार की भी कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है।
🚩🕉🌹🕉️ 🚩

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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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