Education Section – 11 March 2025


*PUDUCHERRY* : The original name of the territory, Putucceri, is derived from the Tamil words putu (“new”) and ceri (“village”). The French made this to Pondichéry (English: Pondicherry), by which it was called until its name was officially changed to Puducherry in 2006.

In 1674 the Governor of “La Compagnie française des Indes orientales” (French East India Company) François Martin, set up a trading centre at Pondicherry and this outpost eventually became the chief French settlement in India.

*LEARN Sanskrit**
अकर्तव्यं न कर्तव्यं प्राणैः कण्ठगतैरपि । 

कर्तव्यमेव कर्तव्यं प्राणैः कण्ठगतैरपि ॥ –
akartavyaṃ na kartavyaṃ prāṇaiḥ kaṇṭhagatairapi । 
kartavyamēva kartavyaṃ prāṇaiḥ kaṇṭhagatairapi ॥
*Meaning* : Whatever is not right to be done, must never be done even on pain of death; and what is right to do, must be done even if one should die for the same.

*भावार्थ* : जो कार्य निषिद्ध है, उसे प्राण कण्ठगत (मृत्यु संकट उपस्थित होने की स्थिति) पर भी नहीं करना चाहिये। जो कर्तव्य है, उसे अपने प्राण की परवाह न करते हुये भी अवश्य करना चाहिये
Terrace: आलिन्द:

Terrace is beautiful


A Yuga Cycle, it is a cyclic age (epoch) in Hindu cosmology. Each cycle lasts for 4,320,000 years (12,000 divine years) and repeats four yugas (world ages):
 Krita (Satya) Yuga, 
Treta Yuga, 
Dvapara Yuga, and 

There are 71 Yuga Cycles in a manvantara (age of Manu) and 1,000 Yuga Cycles in a kalpa (day of Brahma).

*अलसस्य कुतो विद्या अविद्यस्य कुतो धनम् ।*

adhanasya kuto mitram, amitrasya kutaḥ sukham || 
No effort
then, No knowledge
then, No money
then, No friend
then, No joy 🙁

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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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