Education Section – 02 February 2024

JHARKHAND The word Jhar means 'Forest' and Khand means 'land'

JHARKHAND : The word “Jhar” means ‘Forest’ and “Khand” means ‘land’ in various Indo-Aryan languages. Thus “Jharkhand” means ‘land of bush or forest’.

the Jharkhand area was known as Kukara. After the year 1765, it came under the control of the British Empire and became formally known under its present title, “Jharkhand” – the Land of “Jungles” (forests) and “Jharis” (bushes).


Hanuman’s name originates from the Sanskrit hanu, meaning “jaw,” and man, meaning “prominent” or “disfigured.” Legend claims he received his name in childhood when Indra, the king of the gods, struck him in the jaw for attempting to leap up and grab the sun.

Hanuman is a devotee of Shri Rama and one of the central characters in a well-known Hindu epic, the Ramayan. According to the Shaivite tradition, God Hanuman is also an incarnation of God Shiva.

The Hanuman Chalisa (Forty chaupais on Hanuman) is a Hindu devotional hymn (stotra) in praise of Hanuman. It was authored by Tulsidas in the Awadhi language, and is his best known text apart from the Ramcharitmanas.

आज का पंचांग

०२ – फरवरी – २०२४
दिन – शुक्रवार
संम्वत् – २०८०
युगाब्द – ५१२५
मास – माघ
पक्ष – कृष्ण
तिथि – सप्तमी
नक्षत्र – स्वाति
योग – शूल
करण – बव बालव
सूर्योदय – ७:०८ सूर्यास्त – ५:५७
राहु काल १०:३० से १२:०० बजे तक मध्याह्न काल।
🌹।। सुभाषित।।🌹
अन्नदानं परं दानं विद्यादानमतः परम्।
अन्नेन क्षणिका तृप्तिः यावज्जीवं च विद्यया॥

अर्थात् – अन्न का दान परम दान है और विद्या का दान भी परम दान दान है किन्तु दान में अन्न प्राप्त करने वाली कुछ क्षणों के लिए ही तृप्ति प्राप्त होती है जबकि दान में विद्या प्राप्त करने वाला (अपनी विद्या से आजीविका कमा कर) जीवनपर्यन्त तृप्ति प्राप्त करता है।
🚩🕉🌹🕉️ 🚩

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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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