The word Punjab is a compound of two Persian words, panj (“five”) and ab (“water”), thus signifying the land of five waters, or five rivers (the Beas, Chenab, Jhelum, Ravi, and Sutlej).
*JATAYU* ( जटायुः Jaṭāyuḥ) is a divine bird and the younger son of Aruṇa and his wife Shyeni. His brother, Sampati, is a demi-god who has the form of a vulture and was an old friend of Dasharatha (Rama’s father).
Lepakshi in Andhra Pradesh, India is also attributed to the place where Jatayu fell after being wounded by Ravana, and Ramarkal Mettu is the place where the last rites were performed. Rama is said to have commanded the bird to rise Le Pakshi (literally: “Get up, Bird” in Telugu), hence the name for the village
*LEARN Sanskrit*
*स्वभावो नोपदेशेन शक्यते कर्तुमन्यथा ।*
*सुतप्तमपि पानीयं पुनर्गच्छति शीतताम् ॥*
svabhāvō nōpadēśēna śakyatē kartumanyathā ।
sutaptamapi pānīyaṃ punargacchati śītatām ॥
Meaning: It is not possible to change a persons habits or nature by advice or instruction. Just like a well-heated drink always turns cold in the course of time.
भावार्थ: किसी के स्वभाव या आदत को सिर्फ सलाह देकर बदलना संभव नहीं है, जैसे पानी को गरम करने पर वह गरम तो हो जाता है, लेकिन पुनः स्वयं ठंडा tuहो जाता है।
*रामो वनं गच्छति।*
rāmo vanaṃ gacchati.
Rama goes to the forest
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Ms. Pooja, |