🤔 *How ……..* ⁉
How does a ship float what are the principles involved 🛥️
The air that is inside a ship is much less dense than water. That’s what keeps it floating! As a ship is set in water, it pushes down and displaces an amount of water equal to its weight.
Any object placed in water experiences two forces: gravity, which pulls it down because of its mass, and the buoyancy force, or upthrust, which pushes it up. When these forces are balanced, the object floats.
The buoyancy force of a stone is much smaller than its gravity force, which is why the stone sinks (although the buoyancy force makes the stone sink slower than it would do through the air).
A ship also experiences these two forces. But because of its body design, which contains a lot of air, it displaces (pushes aside) enough water so that the buoyancy force is equal to its gravity force. That is why a ship floats.
Why is the mongoose not killed by the cobra during the fight?
Although a Cobra is a dangerous predator, It’s venom is almost ineffective against a mongoose. The active ingredient most commonly found in snake venom, alpha-neurotoxin, works by attaching itself to acetylcholine receptor molecules on the surface of muscle cells.
The mongoose’s acetylcholine receptors render them resistant or immune to snake venom. The snake’s venom fails to react the way it normally does to animals who are not immune to the venom. And so, one of the snake’s main ammunition, its venom is almost useless against a mongoose.
A mongoose think fur which is also silky and makes it difficult for the snake to grip. Even when a cobra manages to coil around a mongoose, it zips through its grip with ease. The fur also makes it difficult for a cobra to deliver a penetrating bite.
Mongooses are physically stronger than snakes and their razor-sharp fangs and strong jaws can crush a cobra’s hood or sever its spine rendering it paralyzed.
Longest Corridor – Rameswaram Temple
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Ch. Naveen Kumar |