Education- Interesting facts 30 June 2022

imd predicts heavy rains across north west regions 24may2022

🤔 How it works ……..

*Rain* ⛈️🌧️.

Rain is droplets of water that fall from clouds. Heat from the Sun turns moisture (water) from plants and leaves, as well as oceans, lakes, and rivers, into water vapour (gas), which disappears into the air. This vapour rises, cools, and changes into tiny water droplets, which form clouds. In this cycle, water changes from liquid,(water) gas,(Vapour) solid (ice crystals/droplets) we call it *condensation* . and again liquid.

Rain is actually part of a bigger part of the weather called *precipitation* , which means any form of water that falls to the earth like rain, snow, drizzle, hail and sleet.

On average a drop of water spends an average of 8 days in the atmosphere before falling back down to Earth. Raindrops fall at a speed of 1 to 18 mph. When there is wind, they could fall much faster.

The highest amount of rainfall ever recorded in one year was 1,000 inches in Cherrapunji, India.

Do you think rain is just water? Well it’s not. It can have all sorts of things in it like dirt, dust, insects, grass or even chemicals!

It is a mixed electrolyte that contains varying amounts of major and minor ions. Sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride.

It’s probably a good idea not to swallow rain!



Floods are the most frequent type of natural disaster and occur when an overflow of water submerges land that is usually dry. Floods are often caused by heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt or a storm surge from a tropical cyclone or tsunami in coastal areas.

💁🏻‍♂️ GK TODAY

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization, it’s headquartered in Washington, D.C., consisting of 189 countries.

Formed 27 December 1945

*What is it’s role*

It work to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability,

Member Countries contribute funds to a pool through a quota system from which countries experiencing balance of payments problems can borrow money.



Mukat Behari Lal Bhargava (30 June 1903 – 18 December 1980 in Jaipur) was an Indian politician, a member of the Indian National Congress political party and a member of the Lok Sabha from 1951 to 1967. In 1928, Bhargava joined the Indian National Congress and the All India States Peoples Conference.
He fought for the Indian independence and was jailed in quit India movement.


Nip in the bud
Destroy at an early stage

*ZEAL* X Apathy, lethargy


*ZEAL* : Eagerness, fervor


Remedies to Get Rid of Headaches Naturally* 😨😱🤯

*_Reason_* : Inadequate hydration, stress, pressure on head muscle, tension and migraines may lead you to develop a headache

A. Strong odors like those from perfumes and cleaning products can cause certain individuals to develop headaches

B. Sip Some Ginger Tea

Ginger root contains many beneficial compounds, including antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances

C. Massaging certain pressure points may help relieve tension in the head and reduce a headache. Many people do this instinctively, such as rubbing the back of the neck or pinching the top of the nose when they feel stressed.

D. Cloves & Tulasi can be used to ease a throbbing headache due to its cooling and pain-relieving properties. Crush a few cloves and Tulasi gently and put them in a sachet or a clean handkerchief. Inhale the smell of the crushed cloves whenever you have a headache until you get some relief from the pain. Effective ways to reduce headache symptoms.

Practicing yoga , controlling deit🌮🍗🧇🧀 may even help reduce the intensity and frequency of your headaches.


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Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar 1 Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar

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