The Bharat Ratna is the highest civilian award of the Republic of India. Instituted on 2 January 1954, the award is conferred in recognition of “exceptional service/performance of the highest order”, without distinction of race, occupation, position, or sex.
First awarded : in 1954:
C. Rajagopalachari;
S. Radhakrishnan;
C. V. Raman
Why is lord Shiva worshipped particularly on Monday?
Mondays are considered more auspicious for Shiva’s prayer. Monday is called Somavaar, and Soma means Moon.
When Prajapathi Daksha cursed Moon to wane away, he approached Shiva to help in relieving the curse.
It is believed that Sati devi , her sisters and along with few sages chanted the Maha mrityunjaya mantra, given to them by Sage Markendeya. The day this incident took place was on Monday, and all the people remained awake the entire night, chanting the mantra to save moon. And this day became famous as maha Shiva_ratri, from that day it is considered auspicious to do Shiva worship on this particular day. And Shiva saved moon from Daksha’s curse, by giving a permanent place to Moon in His hair, and thus became Chandrashekhara.
LEARN Sanskrit
नात्यन्त गुणवत् किञ्चित नाचाप्यत्यन्तनिर्गुणम् ।
उभयं सर्वकार्येषु दृष्यते साध्वासाधुवा ॥
nātyanta guṇavat kiñcita nācāpyatyantanirguṇam ।
ubhayaṃ sarvakāryēṣu dṛṣyatē sādhvāsādhuvā ॥
Meaning : There is no work which is good in all respects, nor bad in all respects Both good and bad exist in every work.
भावार्थ : ऐसा कोई भी कार्य नही है, जो सर्वदा अच्छा हो, या सर्वदा बुरा हो, अच्छे और बुरे गुण तो प्रत्येक कार्य में होते ही है।
निर्विघ्न Nirvighnam : Uninterrupted
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