Education- Interesting facts 26 November 2022

2008 Mumbai attacks


In 2008 Mumbai attacks were a group of terrorist attacks that took place in began on 26 Nov and lasted until 29 Nov 2008; 172 people died. Twelve attacks by terrorists that happened at the same time across Mumbai.


नैनं छिद्रन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावक: ।*

न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुत ॥

आत्मा को न शस्त्र काट सकते हैं, न आग उसे जला सकती है। न पानी उसे भिगो सकता है, न हवा उसे सुखा सकती है।

The soul cannot be cut by weapons, nor can fire burn it. Neither water can soak it, nor wind can dry it.

LEARN Sanskrit

युक्ति युक्तं प्रगृह्णीयात् बालादपि विचक्षणः।

रवेरविषयं वस्तु किं न दीपः प्रकाशयेत्॥

yukti yuktaṃ pragṛhṇīyāt bālādapi vicakṣaṇaḥ।

raveraviṣayaṃ vastu kiṃ na dīpaḥ prakāśayet॥

The wise should learn to accept wisdom from anybody, even from a child.

Doesn’t the small night lamp light up things which the sun can not?​

बुद्धिमान को बच्चों से भी युक्तिपूर्ण वचन ग्रहण करने चाहिए।

क्या दीप उस वस्तु को प्रकाशित नहीं करता, जिसे सूर्य प्रकाशित नहीं कर सकता ?


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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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