Education- Interesting facts 26 December 2021

Udham Singh

🤔 How it works ……..

How a Hen hatch eggs 🐣🐥🐓

A hen that is committed to hatching chicks is known as a broody. The state of being broody is controlled by instinct, hormones and lighting conditions. Left to her own devices, a broody will lay a clutch of eggs, then stop egg-laying and sit on them for 21 days (more or less) until they hatch.


Why frogs can’t walk much distance.. 🐸
Frogs and toads jump, swim, climb, and even glide. The frogs’ front legs are a bit shorter than their hind legs, but they compensate for this by stretching their front legs out when they walk while using a slight crouching posture on their back legs

💁🏻‍♂️ GK TODAY

American Gandhi : Martin Luther King

African Gandhi: Nelson Mandela


Udham Singh (26 December 1899 – 31 July 1940), was a revolutionary belonging to the Ghadar Party best known for his assassination in London of Michael O’ Dwyer, the former lieutenant governor of the Punjab in India, on 13 March 1940.

The assassination was in revenge for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar in 1919. A district (Udham Singh Nagar) of Uttarakhand was named after him to pay homage in October 1995.

Get out of hand, Get out of control

Scatter Collect

Deliberate – Planned



Boost cognitive performance.

Protect from obesity and associated chronic diseases.

Reduce inflammation.

Improve overall fitness.

Support weight loss.

Decrease the risk of metabolic diseases.

Benefit cancer patients.

When we fast, the body does not have its usual access to glucose, forcing the cells to resort to other means and materials to produce energy. As a result, the body begins gluconeogenesis, a natural process of producing its own sugar.

The liver helps by converting non-carbohydrate materials like lactate, amino acids, and fats into glucose energy. Because our bodies conserve energy during fasting, our basal metabolic rate (the amount of energy our bodies burn while resting) becomes more efficient, thereby lowering our heart rate and blood pressure.

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