Why Yoga day is celebrated on 21 June?
June 21 is the day of the Summer Solstice, when the tilt of a planet’s axis in the northern hemisphere is most inclined toward the star that it orbits – in our case, the Earth and the Sun.
June 21 is considered the longest day of the year with the sun rising early and setting late for the northern hemisphere. Many countries from Canada to Iran mark this day with festivities.
But science aside, the summer solstice is also considered an important day in Indian mythology as it marks an event that could be considered the start of Yogic science.
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How toned milk is prepared?
Toned milk is made by diluting full-fat buffalo milk with skim milk & water to reduce its fat. The process retains nutrients like calcium, potassium, B vitamins, & protein, making the product nutritionally similar to cow’s milk. In moderation, toned milk may offer the same benefits as other dairy products.
Note.: Excessive intake of dairy products could pose some health risks, so practice moderation and ensure a balanced diet.
Bhāskara (c. 600 – c. 680) commonly called Bhaskara I. who was the first to write numbers in the Hindu decimal system with a circle for the zero, and who gave a unique and remarkable rational approximation of the sine function in his commentary on Aryabhata’s work.
Did you know?
Bitter Gourd (करेला) is a good source of nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, folate and vitamin A. It has been shown to improve several markers of long-term blood sugar control.
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Ch. Naveen Kumar |