Education- Interesting facts 21 January 2022

What is saline solution

🤔 How it works ……..

What is saline solution?

Saline solution is a mixture of salt and water. Normal saline solution contains 0.9 percent sodium chloride (salt), which is similar to the sodium concentration in blood and tears.

Saline has many uses in medicine. It’s used to clean wounds, clear sinuses, and treat dehydration


A headache on the left side could be caused by a migraine:

Migraines can be triggered by:

Stress, certain foods, such as alcohol, cheese, or chocolate, sleeping too much or too little

bright lights or lights that flicker, sustained loud noise strong smells, such as perfume. A tension headache may cause pain on the left side and behind the eyes, and may be linked to stress.

Cluster headaches are extremely painful and are characterized by pain on one side of the head. The symptoms include: Pain behind one eye, one temple, or one side of the forehead.

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Norway is known as the land of Midnight sun

The midnight sun only occurs at certain times of the year and is only visible very close to the Arctic. it can be seen from late April until August.

It is Bcoz: The Earth rotates completely every 24 hours, and it’s this movement that creates night and day. However, the length of daytime and night-time hours is not equal and this is because the Earth is tilted on its axis by 23.4 degrees. If it were completely perpendicular there would be a fixed night and day of 12 hours each.

Captain Ummed Singh Mahra (21 January 1942–6 July 1971) was a posthumous recipient of the Ashoka Chakra.
In 1967 he graduated from the Indian Military Academy and was commissioned in the Rajputana Rifles.

In July 1971, he led a raiding party against the headquarters of an insurgent group in Nagaland Operation Cactus-Lilly. Though wounded in a firefight, he continued to lead the operation which captured a large cache of arms, ammunition and important documents. He was awarded the Ashoka Chakra, India’s highest peacetime military decoration posthumously.

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The name buttermilk is somewhat misleading, as it doesn’t contain butter. Traditional buttermilk is the liquid leftover after whole milk has been churned into butter.

One serving of buttermilk is a good source of several nutrients, including protein, calcium, and riboflavin.

Buttermilk is a boon for our digestive system. Healthy bacteria and lactic acid in buttermilk help in digestion and improve our metabolism.

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