Education- Interesting facts 18 November 2022

Ashoka the Great


The great Ashoka is referred to as Samraat Chakravarti: Ashoka – the “Emperor of Emperors Ashoka.” His name “Aśoka” means “painless, without sorrow” in Sanskrit.

Ashoka, also known as Ashoka the Great, Piodasses in ancient Greece, was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty son of Bindusara Maurya, who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from c. 268 to 232 BCE.

Ashoka expanded Chandragupta’s empire to reign over a realm stretching from present-day Afghanistan in the west to Bangladesh in the east. It covered the entire Indian subcontinent except for parts of present-day Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala. The empire’s capital was Pataliputra (in Magadha, present-day Patna), with provincial capitals at Taxila and Ujjain. Ashoka, after the war of Kalinga, got upset with the bloodshed and vowed to never fight again. He embraced Buddhism and patronised Buddhism in his rule and reign.


Vishnu word can be broken into two components: VIsh + Onu. “Vish” means poison and “Onu” means atom. It’s the human’s painful (blue) existence which extends in 4 days, or 4 Vedas till Kalki (Kal-Ki, Kal-ke, or tomorrow) Avatar in conscious state. Kalki also known as Nara (genderless)

LEARN Sanskrit

न कालमतिवर्तन्ते महान्तः स्वेषु कर्मसु ।

na kālamativartante mahāntaḥ sveṣu karmasu ।

Great people never delay their duties.

महान लोग अपने कर्तव्यों में देरी नहीं करते हैं ।


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