Education- Interesting facts 17 August 2021

spring water

🤔 How it works ……..

How Spring (Chasma) water comes

The water for springs comes from underground sources called aquifers.
Aquifers are most commonly inside permeable rock, or underground layers of materials like sand, clay, and gravel.
These substances function as a sponge, soaking up water that seeps down into them. Less common are aquifers made of free bodies of water, but these do happen in areas where eroded limestone forms karsts.

A spring is simply a place where the water from an aquifer flows out of the ground naturally. In this respect, it is useful to think of a spring as a naturally occurring well.

In a well, one must dig into the ground to reach the aquifer and tap the water supply. In springs, those conditions are already present and on the surface.

Some springs only flow during particular times of year. For example, an aquifer that is highly reliant on seasonal rainfall or snow-melt to feed it may not be able to sustain a spring all year around. There would still be water in the aquifer, but not enough to sustain the outflow of the spring.

Because aquifers are often made of stone, water passing through them will pick up minerals from local deposits.

That is how mineral water is created. Because not all aquifers and mineral deposits are the same, the water from a particular mineral spring may have its own unique taste.

Some aquifers are located near sources of geothermal activity, which heats the water. If that hot water feeds a spring, the result is a hot spring.


Why we get dreams in deep sleep…? 😴

After deep sleep, your brain starts to perk up, and its electrical activity starts to resemble the brain when it is awake. This is the period of the night when most dreams happen. Your muscles are temporarily paralysed, and your eyes dart back and forth, giving this stage its name, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

Sleep can be divided into two broad stages, non-rapid eye movement (NREM), and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

The vast majority of our sleep (around 75 to 80 per cent) is NREM, characterised by electrical patterns in the brain known as ‘sleep spindles’ and high, slow delta waves. This is the time we sleep the deepest.

REM sleep is the period during the night when we have our most vivid dreams, but people dream during both NREM and REM sleep.

During NREM sleep, dreams tend to be more concept-based, whereas during REM sleep dreams are more vivid and emotional. Mostly one cannot those dreams which we have during REM.

💁🏻‍♂️ GK TODAY

17th August 1947: The Radcliffe Line, the border between the Union of India and the Dominion of Pakistan is revealed.

On 17th August 1947 the Radcliffe Line was declared as the boundary between India and Pakistan, following the Partition of India.

The Radcliffe Line was the boundary demarcation line between the Indian and Pakistani portions of the Punjab and Bengal provinces of British India.

Cyril John Radcliffe, 1st Viscount Radcliffe, GBE, PC, QC, FBA (30 March 1899 – 1 April 1977) was a British lawyer.

Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar 1 Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar

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