Education- Interesting facts 11 May 2023



Karnataka : The region was popularly referred to as ‘Karnata desa’ in Indian history. The other accepted derivative comes from the Kannada words karu and nādu meaning elevated land, or from the Kannada words kal and nādu meaning rock country, referring to the rocky terrain of the state. Another etymological derivative of the name comes from lear or black—a reference to the black cotton soil of the region. Mysore state was renamed Karnataka in 1973.


Ravana: Ten headed King of Lanka, who abducted Sita;

Brother of Kumbhakarna, Vibhishana, Khara, Ahiravana, Dushana, Shurpanakha

Father of Indrajit, Atikaya, Akshayakumara, Narantaka, Devantaka, Trishira;

Husband of Mandodari & Dhanyamalini

The Ramayan Epic analysts interpret his ten heads as the emotional states Ravana had got. They are
kaam (lust),
Krodh (wrath),
Lobh (greed),
Moh (obsession),
Mada (vanity),
Maatsarya (Envy), Ahankaara (Ego),
Chitta (will),
Manas (Heart),
Buddhi (Mind or Intellect).

LEARN Sanskrit

मादृश् – मेरे जैसा
त्वादृश् – तेरे जैसा
भवादृश् – आप जैसा


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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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