ANDHRA KESARI (Lion of Andhra) Tanguturi Prakasam Pantulu, ( 23 August 1872 – 20 May 1957) the barrister, journalist, freedom fighter, performer and the first chief minister of the erstwhile Andhra Pradesh.
on February 2, 1928, when the entire country had taken up the slogan ‘Simon Go Back’ to protest against the Simon Commission’s arrival in India. As the president of Congress in Andhra, Prakasam had gone to Madras to lead the protest. There was a sea of Indians determined to stand their ground, prompting the British authorities to issue orders to fire and a protester was killed.
As Prakasam, who was trying to leave the High Court in Madras to see the martyred soul, he was prevented by the British forces who had threatened to shoot him if he moved ahead. Bearing his chest, Prakasam dared them to shoot him. The guns which were pointed at him bowed their bayonets in respect of his courage
Why is shankh blown before start of puja in Sanatana Dharma ?
According to our ancient scriptures that is Puranas, the shankh was originated during the Churning of ocean (Samudramanthan) by the Deities and Shri Vishnu held it in the form of weapon. Moon, Sun and Varun are stationed at the base of the shankh, the deity Prajapati on its surface and all the places of pilgrimage like Ganga and Saraswati in its front portion.
Scientifically : The vibrations emanating on blowing it destroys the disease causing germs in the atmosphere and activates chaitanya chakra. That is the reason it has a important place in Ayurved and medicine.
The shankh are of two types, namely, left turned shankh and right turned shankh. When the shankh is held with its spout pointed up, its spirals coil towards your right then it is right turned shankh and if the spirals coil towards your left then it is a left turned shankh. Generally a left turned shankh is preferred for the puja ritual. The shankh which is used for blowing should not be kept for puja.
It has been mentioned in ‘ Varaha Puran ’ that one should not open the door of temple without first blowing the shankh. The left turned shankh is blown before the start of puja or performance of arti. There are three types of frequencies in the atmosphere namely sattva dominant, raja dominant and tama dominant.
LEARN Sanskrit
यत्कर्म कृत्वा कुर्वंश्च करिष्यंश्चैव लज्जति ।
तज्ज्ञेयं विदुषा सर्वं तामसं गुणलक्षणम् ॥
yatkarma kṛtvā kurvaṃśca kariṣyaṃścaiva lajjati ।
tajjñeyaṃ viduṣā sarvaṃ tāmasaṃ guṇalakṣaṇam ॥
If the conscience feels guilty about an act,
the act is a sin (of Tamasa quality).
जो कर्म करने के पश्चात, करते हुए या करने से पहले शर्म आए,
एसे सभी कर्म तामसिक माने गये हैं।
Aja (अज) : Goat
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