🤔 How it works …….. ⁉
Beer is made from four basic ingredients: Barley, water, hops and yeast. The basic idea is to extract the sugars from grains (usually barley) so that the yeast can turn it into alcohol and CO2, creating beer.
The grains are harvested and processed through a process of heating, drying out and cracking.
Honey is something of an oddity, in that, unlike most foods, it doesn’t spoil over time. In fact, the oldest known sample of honey, found in an Ancient Egyptian tomb and dated to approximately 3000 years ago, was still perfectly edible (supposedly). What is it, then, that gives honey this unusual property?
First, bees contribute to the low water content of honey by flapping their wings to dry out nectar. Second, the way bees get nectar into honey combs is by vomiting it there.
This sounds really gross, but the chemical makeup of bees’ stomachs also contributes to honey’s long shelf-life. Bees’ stomachs have the enzyme glucose oxidase, which is added to the honey when the nectar is regurgitated.
The enzyme and nectar break mix to create gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide is also a hostile force for anything trying to grow in honey.
The Group of Seven (G7) is an inter-governmental political forum. It is an organisation of the world’s seven largest so-called advanced economies. Formerly called: Library Group; Group of Six (G6).
It consisting of France, United States, Japan, Italy, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany as its members
Headquarters :Cornwall , United Kingdom
Founded : 1975
Sir Dadabhai Naoroji Dordi (4 September 1825 – 30 June 1917) also known as the “Grand Old Man of India” and “Unofficial Ambassador of India” was a British Parsi scholar, trader and politician who was a Liberal Party member of Parliament (MP) in the United Kingdom House of Commons between 1892 and 1895, and the first Indian to be a British MP, notwithstanding the Anglo-Indian MP David Ochterlony Dyce Sombre, who was disenfranchised for corruption.
Naoroji was one of the founding members of the Indian National Congress.
Beat around the bush: To avoid talking about what’s important
Example of Use: “If you want to ask me, just ask; don’t beat around the bush.”
Did you know :
– Amnesia refers to a loss of memory due to illness, injury, drug abuse or other causes.
– AJWAIN : Instant Relief from Acidity and Indigestion.
The active enzymes in ajwain help in boosting our digestive functions by facilitating the release of gastric juices.
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Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar |