Education- Interesting facts 04 November 2021

What is net zero target

🤔 How it works ……..

How does a Fire cracker Rocket works

Each rocket is made up of the following parts: a mortar, fuses, propellant powder, a shell, a bursting charge, and a collection of “stars.” The mortar is the outer container, and the fuse is, of course, the piece that you light. When the fuse burns down, the propellant ignites and shoots the firework into the air.

When the fuse, called a fast-acting fuse, is ignited with a flame or a spark, the gunpowder explodes, creating lots of heat and gas that cause a buildup of pressure beneath the shell. Then, when the pressure is great enough, the shell shoots up into the sky. Fireworks!


What is net-zero target?*

A net-zero target is defined as date by which a country will only emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases that can be absorbed by forests, soil, crops, and developing technologies such as carbon capture technology.

India’s announcement came as a surprise to delegates in Glasgow,

US, UK & Japan have net zero target by 2050; EU by 2060; Saudi Arabia, China & Russia by 2070.

India’s goal towards net-zero emissions
India’s goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070 is far-fetched. Thus, to support this goal, four other aggressive pledges were made. These targets are:

50% of power will come from renewables by 2030.

500 GW of installed renewable energy capacity will be reached by 2030.

Reduction in carbon intensity by 45% by 2030.
Reduction in projected total carbon emissions by 1 billion tonnes by 2030.

India further seeks to reduce its projected total carbon emissions by 1 billion tonnes by the end of the decade.

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Largest country (in area) Russia


Shakuntala Devi (4 November 1929 – 21 April 2013) was an Indian writer and mental calculator, popularly known as the “human computer”. Her talent earned her a place in the 1982 edition of The Guinness Book of World Records.

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