Education- Interesting facts 03 January 2022

how pressure cookers work

🤔 How it works ……..

How does a pressure cooker works

The pressure cooker was invented in the seventeenth century by the physicist Denis Papin, and works by expelling air from the vessel, and trapping the steam produced from the boiling liquid inside. This raises the internal pressures and permits high cooking temperatures.
A pressure cooker works on a simple principle: Steam pressure.
A sealed pot, with a lot of steam inside, builds up high pressure, which helps food cook faster


Why Sunday is called Holiday?

According to the Bible, God created the earth and everything in six days and rested the seventh day i.e sabbath. British rule in India, which followed the christian religion, made it a mandatory leave on sunday. Even after they left, the rules stuck by . Hence sunday is a holiday .

When India was under British rule, the mill workers in India had to figure hard for all seven days of every week. They didn’t get any holiday or any quite leave to urge rest. … Sunday is that the day of the Hindu deity ‘Khandoba’. Hence Sunday should be declared as a holiday”.

💁🏻‍♂️ GK TODAY

National Sports day is being celebrated on the birthday of Indian Hockey Player Major Dhyan Chand. 29 Aug.

ICICI – Industrial Credit Investment Corporation of India


Rani Velu Nachiyar (3 Jan 1730 – 25 Dec 1796) was a queen of Sivaganga estate from c.
1780–1790. She was the first queen to fight against the British colonial power in India.
She is known by Tamils as Veeramangai (“brave woman”)

Bite off more than you can chew-
Take on a project that you cannot finish

Gloomy – Cheerful

Notify – Inform


To stop a nosebleed : sit down and firmly pinch the soft part of your nose, just above your nostrils, for at least 10-15 minutes. lean forward and breathe through your mouth – this will drain blood into your nose instead of down the back of your throat

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