Education- Interesting facts 02 March 2023

Science behind Havan


The Western Ghats, also known as Sahyadri, are a mountain range that covers an area of 140,000 square kilometres in a stretch of 1,600 kilometres parallel to the western coast of the Indian peninsula, traversing the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra and Gujarat.


Science behind Havan:

Havan is a type of Yajna on a small scale in which fire is kindled, oblation offered and Vedic hymns recited.

The process of yagya magnifies the advantages of the desirable medicinal phytochemicals and other healthy nutritional substances. Medicines and herbs are vaporized by offering them into the sacrificial fire and enter the human body in a gaseous form through the nose, lungs and the pores of the skin.

Yajna is the contact medium for gods and to seek their blessings. There are many types of Yajna performed by Hindus for e.g.,

Ashwamedha Yajna
Chaaturmasya Yajna
Vaajpey Yajna
Purushmedha Yajna
Sarvamedha Yajna.

LEARN Sanskrit
अन्न-दानं महा-दानं विद्या-दानम् अतः परम् ।
अन्नेन क्षणिका तृप्तिः यावत् जीवं च विद्यया ॥

anna-dānaṃ mahā-dānaṃ vidyā-dānam ataḥ param ।
annena kṣaṇikā tṛptiḥ yāvat jīvaṃ cha vidyayā ॥
Giving food to a person is a great deed, but giving vidyā (education) is even better. The satisfaction (obtained) from food is momentary, but that (obtained) from vidyā lasts a lifetime
आलस्यं: Late


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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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