On the 100th birthday anniversary of former Prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Modi
Government in cooperation with the Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh Governments laid the
foundation stone of the Ken Betwa River Linking Project (KBLP) on 25th December in
In this project, the excess water from Ken River will be transferred to the Betwa River as there is
an urgent need to address the water security problem of Madhya Pradesh.
Phases In Which Ken- Betwa River Linking Project Will Be Completed:
As per the Notifications and plans released by the Ministry of Jal Shakti, the Ken-Betwa River
Linking Project will be completed in 2 phases.
Phase 1:
The phase 1 of KBLP will include the construction of the Daudhan Dam Complex, Ken-Betwa
Link Canal (22 km in length and 2 km tunnel), powerhouses, etc.
Phase 2:
The phase of KBLP will include Kotha Barrage, Bina Complex, and Lower Orr Dam.
The completion of the whole project will take around 8 years to complete.
Beneficiary Of The Ken- Betwa River Linking Project:
The Ken-Betwa River Linking Project is estimated to provide adequate drinking water to 62 lakh
people and also provide annual irrigation of 8.11 hectares in Madhya Pradesh and 2.51 hectares
of land in Uttar Pradesh.
This is one of the reasons that both the state Governments MP and UP signed a Memorandum
of Agreement with the Ministry of Jal Shakti in the year 2021 for KBLP.
It will also generate solar power of 27 megawatts and hydropower of 103 megawatts. Here is
another reason to look forward to KBLP as it will contribute to strengthening India’s energy
Challenges Of The Ken- Betwa River Linking Project:
Congress Party raises some genuine and serious questions on the social and environmental
impact of the Ken-Betwa River Linking Project as it will require the loss of large-scale forest
cover in Panna Tiger Reserve.
It may also start a positive feedback cycle loop and climatic changes at the local level caused
due to the project can be irreversible.
Way forward:
Once the project is completed, only the positives and negatives of the river linking can be
analyzed properly based on data, and KBLP will provide a basis for the future river linking that
the Government of India has planned for peninsular India.

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