Category: Expressions

Is the growth of Instagram, Instant no more?
Instagram has become the leading social media platform and if you haven’t at least heard of it, chances are that you are probably living under a rock. Often shortened to Insta or IG, the platform allows its users to share Read more

Woman or a bee?
“It’s hard to be a woman… You must think like a man, act like a lady, look like a young girl, and work like a horse.” She juggles herself, her learnings, her job, her sports, her social life, her NGO, Read more

Stone Age Fire Tool Making
How did humans live in the Stone Age? The Homo Habilis or the ‘skilful’ humans developed about 2.5 million years ago. They produced stone tools, lived in small groups, and moved from one place to another like nomads when food Read more

Why History
Why is it important to know about the past? Past helps us in understanding our present world in a much better way. If we know how our ancestors lived or why the wars were waged, we can understand today’s world Read more