Video Press Release – Sonu Sood joins Special Olympics Bharat as Brand Ambassador

Sonu Sood joins Special Olympics Bharat as Brand Ambassador

02 August 2021, New Delhi: Indian actor and philanthropist Mr. Sonu Sood has joined Special Olympics Bharat as their Brand Ambassador, supporting their vision for Inclusion for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities.

In his role as the Brand Ambassador for Special Olympics Bharat, Sonu Sood will lead the team of Special Olympics Bharat Athletes who will travel to Kazan to participate in the Special Olympics World Winter Games in January 2022.

Recently, to announce his new role, he took part at a virtual event viewed by over 500 Athletes, Coaches, families, officials and volunteers. He interacted with the Special Athletes responding to their queries while admiring and appreciating their sporting achievements. The inaugural session introduced him to the #WalkForInclusion, an initiative of the Special Olympics Asia Pacific Region, demonstrated by the Athletes, marking his entry into the Inclusion Revolution of the Special Olympics movement.

“I feel honoured to have this opportunity to be with our team in Russia for the Special Olympics World Winter Games. We will together encourage our athletes to give their best and cheer them on with such enthusiasm that the roar of support will echo back home in India as well,” said Sonu Sood.

A highlights video of the session :


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