Hope, Faith, And Strength by Prerna Gupta


A turn comes when everything you have worked for seems to fall apart. It happens in everyone’s
life who does something different, tries to build his/ her destiny, and fights against the tides of
At that precise moment, you may not be able to see the light, you may find yourself weak before
the demons of doubt and fear but let nothing take away what you have created and build with
purity, prayers, love, hard work, and perseverance.

Have an unwavering faith and keep hustling. Do not stop when things seem to not go your way
rather when you have attained whatever you set out to achieve.

Indeed, it is easy to inspire or speak such high words when one is in a good place in life but
even those who speak with a spark of inspiration have been broken before, have lost something
someday before, and have risen and started again because, in their soul, they always stayed
true to themselves, to their conscience.

There is godly power in purity, prayers, and goodwill. If your conscience is pure then God will
bless you with things you prayed and worked for.

In life, the people who win are not the ones who did something magnificently, rather are those
who never gave up, no matter what. They persevere. They keep on going even though there
seems to be no path ahead.

The truth is it is easy to trust and cultivate hope, faith, and goodness when life is in full swing but
when things get tough, only then the true test of hope, faith, and kindness begins. And those
who pass this test will never in life ever fail from anything that usually breaks a soul.

Every challenge in life is a blessing in disguise. So, when you are unable to see the path ahead,
take a deep breath, be aware of the gap in between your breath, and recall all the times when
you thought you would not make it and then with the blessings and guidance of the divine ones,
you did and that challenge turned out to be one of the most powerful blessings of your life.
Therefore, never lose hope, keep your head high on the solution, and keep going! You are born
to achieve your greatness.

Prerna Gupta

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