Interesting Facts – 17 June 2024

World Day to Combat

*Why do medical emblems often depict a snake or serpent?* 

The two snakes wrapped around a winged staff

According greek mythology a snake as magical benevolent creature able to cure patients just by touch ..!

In Greek mythology, Hermes was a messenger between the gods and humans (which explains the wings) and a guide to the underworld (which explains the staff). The Greeks regarded snakes as sacred and used them in healing rituals to honor

Snake venom is also used to prepare medicine.

💁🏻‍♂‍ *GK TODAY
*17 June – World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought* (International)

Since 1995, this day is observed to spread awareness about international cooperation to combat desertification and the effects of drought.

Normal temperature of human body: *36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F)* 
*Kailash Nath Katju* (17 June 1887 – 17 February 1968) was a prominent politician of India.
He was the Governor of Orissa and West Bengal, the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, the Union Home Minister and the Union Defence Minister. He was also one of India’s most prominent lawyers.
*Between rock and hard place*

Between two dangers, unable to make a decision.

  HARASS = irritate, molest


*LEMON AND HONEY WATER* functions as a natural detox drink and it provides us with an instant energy while detoxifying the body. Honey & Lemon with Lukewarm water on an empty stomach boosts energy. This drink is a natural energy booster providing you with a quick source of energy during the workout or exercise regimen. 

 *PROMOTES DIGESTION* : Lemon and honey in warm water is an ideal drink to alleviate constipation and for promoting digestion. This drink is beneficial in cleansing the colon and getting rid of the undigested food and toxins from the body.

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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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