How To Make Difficult Choices In Life? by Prerna Gupta

How To Make Difficult Choices In Life

How To Make Difficult Choices?

When you are under a lot of stress and surrounded by lots of negativity and complications that
you are unable to make head and tail in life even then you can make the right choices. Difficult
times come in life so, you make the right choice and then everything in your life turns just the
way you want it.

How To Know What Is Right?
Well, it is not as difficult as you may think or feel it may be. It can be dimensions of health,
relationships, jobs, careers, or even spiritual schools. However, the most popular dilemmas
among young generations are regarding career paths and relations in life.

How To Choose The Right Career And Right Relations?
Truth must be told and that is you are not unsure. You know what you want, what you like, and
what to go for. But the practicality of the world, society and sometimes even your past is holding
you back. You know what you want to do and what is right for you. But you are afraid of the fall.
The greater the risk, the greater the fall.

Career Choice
But should you also not wonder what if you don’t take the risk and choose the easiest path out,
you already lost the battle even before it began? For example, you like singing, you love
signing, and you know in your heart and soul that if you choose this as a career path, you will be
a legend and this will give you the utmost happiness.
But then with the practicality of how many people make it to the top, holds you back and you
choose something more sensible, and rational. In playing safe in life, you committed the biggest
sin in your life against yourself only.

Relationship Choice
First and foremost you must understand, that a relationship is a pure blessing from God. Your
partner is a gift to you from God. Only when you are truly ready to understand the divinity of a
relationship, your partner come into your life.
Secondly, when you are in proximity with any other person in the world, other than yourself,
there will be differences and where there are differences, there will be rifts. But you must forgive
each other over and over again and choose to love each other no matter what.
In fact, in the hard times, you will see how beautifully you have cultivated your relationship
because there will be so much love, peace, and respect in each other for the other. That is
divine love.
But sometimes, things may get ugly and nasty between two people during hard times, that time,
you must be quiet and just listen to your soul. Because the soul is your intuition in times like this.
If it guides you to believe, have faith, and trust the process then follow it. And if it asks you to
move on then you must move on radiating lots of love and peace to the other person.

We live in a world where the majority of people are confused and in dilemmas so, it is not
advisable to take guidance from people who already do not have their life sorted instead seek a
mentor, a guide a guru in life who is more evolved than you and will help you navigate your life
in better directs.

Prerna Gupta

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