National Dengue Day 2024 : 5 measures to prevent yourself from the mosquito-borne illnesses like Dengue 2024 05 16T091427.599

BHOPAL, 15 May 2024 : In this summer and rainy season, there is a threat of mosquito-borne illnesses like dengue. In 2024 National Dengue Day observed on May 16., So we should take knowledge and preventative measures to prevent the spread of this disease. Dengue fever is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, which is most active during the Summer time , especially in hot and humid climates.

Here are five effective method to prevent mosquito bites in this summer:

Wear full sleeves clothes┬а

One of the easy ways to keep yourself away from mosquito bites is by wearing long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and socks, especially during outdoor tasks. Try to choose light-coloured clothing, as mosquitoes are attracted to darker colors. Additionally, you should treat your clothing with permethrin, an insect repellent that can provide added protection.

Use Insect Repellent

Should apply insect repellent to exposed skin that can significantly reduce the risk of mosquito bites. repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus, as these three ingredients are safe against mosquito bites. Do check and follow the instructions on the product label, mainly when applying repellent to children.

Eliminate Breeding Sites

Mosquitoes breed flourishing in the Stagnant Water, so it’s essential to remove any sources of stagnant water around your home. Regularly clean containers such as flowerpots, bird baths, water-cooler and gutters to prevent mosquitoes from laying their eggs. Cover or treat water storage containers that cannot be emptied, must ensure that swimming pools are properly maintained and filled with clean water .

Set up of Screens and Nets┬а

Keep mosquitoes out of your living spaces by inserting window and door screens and using mosquito nets while sleeping, especially if you live in areas where dengue fever is prevalent. Repair any holes or tears in screens promptly to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.

Socially Environmental Awareness is must┬а

Mosquito control is a community effort, so encourage and aware your neighbors to join and put efforts to reduce mosquito breeding sites. Participate in the local clean-up campaigns and NGO to remove garbage and debris that can store water and attract mosquitoes. Also support municipal mosquito control programmes and take initiatives of reducing the mosquito population in your area.

These five simple ways can significantly decrease your risk of mosquito bites and prevent yourself and your loved ones from dengue fever and other mosquito-borne illnesses.

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