Sweet Season Of Exams

Sweet Season Of

So, it is the season of exams,
just after the season of love,
true, everything blooms in its
own time.

And now, everyone is running,
gasping and leaping, perhaps
even skimming over the
surface fooling themselves
to have completed,

But as the moment passes from
one minute to another, those who
are stuck in this race, start missing
and start realizing the importance of
little things like having coffee-watching
the sun rising or setting, the laughter
of the child’s play, or even spending
quality time with friends and family.

It is indeed a cruel race but what
makes it worthwhile to run is
with the people we run this
race with! Be grateful for
one of the most productive
periods of your time! It is
Indeed a serendipity in


Prerna Gupta


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