End Of The Day I Return To You

End Of The Day I Return To You
Look, at me, every muscle
of my body is drenched in fatigue
and hard work, even my eyes
need the willpower to stay open,
but my soul is unbreakable,
it is soaring high in the sky.

Indeed, tonight I am tired, cold,
lonely and perhaps, even a little
a sour from the hard weather
of the day. And yet, I am proud
to toil till the end of the day knowing
that neither the external adversary
of nature nor the physical pain of
the body could keep me away
from working on my dream.

I am grateful even at the end of
such a day, my soul is intact and
faith unshakable. It is through His
blessings that there is so much
of peace, love, and power in me
irrespective of what the situation


Prerna Gupta


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