Surrender In Full Faith

Surrender In Full Faith

“What is ours will always find its way to us. And what is not meant to be will never be ours irrespective of how much we want or crave for it. So surrender to God’s plan in full faith that whatever He blessed us with is the best we deserve.”

Sometimes, when we let it
all settle down, everything
blooms splendidly,

but we are too afraid to lose
control and mess up
tomorrow that we end up
ruining the now,

there is no greater present than
now, and no greater blessings
than being and enjoying it,

but it is hard to stop running
and cherish the now. And in
today’s world we have to go
out of our way, and learn
tools and techniques that
will allow our minds to settle
and integrate our energy.

And once we master it, then
surrendering allows us the
greatest control of our lives
and destiny.



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