Education- Interesting facts 04 November 2023

sivakasi crackers


Sivakasi is a city and Municipal Corporation in Virudhunagar District in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. This city is known for its firecracker, matchbox and printing industries. Sivakasi city alone meets about 90% fire cracker requirements of India.


Why does marriage have 3 knots?

May we have many auspicious attributes for a long and happy life for a hundred years. The first two knots tied by the groom signify the commitment of the couple and to assure the well-being of the bride. Meanwhile, the third knot tied by the groom’s sister signifies commitment between the two families.

LEARN Sanskrit
11 एकादस Ekādasa
12. द्वादश. Dvādaśa
13 त्रयोदश Trayodśā
14 चतुर्दश Chaturdaśa
15 पञ्चदश Panchadaśa
16 षोडश Ṣoḍaśa
17 सप्तदश Saptadaśa
18 अष्टादश Aṣṭādaśa
19 ऊनविंशतिः Ūnavinśatiḥ
20 विंशतिः Vinśatiḥ
stone = अश्मन् | ashmn


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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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