Facts about India -25th May 2021

Mahatma Gandhi

In the year 1915, Mahatma Gandhi established Sabarmati Ashram in Kochrab near Ahmedabad on 25 May. This was one of the many residences of Mahatma Gandhi who lived at Sabarmati (Gujarat) and Sevagram (Wardha, Maharashtra) when he was not travelling across India or in prison. He lived in Sabarmati or Wardha for a total of twelve years with his wife Kasturba Gandhi and followers, including Vinoba Bhave. The Bhagavad Gita was recited here daily as part of the Ashram schedule.


The *Vedas* are a large body of religious texts originating in ancient India. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.

There are 4 different Vedas – Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda.

The Upanishads are late Vedic Sanskrit texts of religious teachings and ideas still revered in Hinduism. The Upanishads played an important role in the development of spiritual ideas in ancient India.

More than 200 Upanishads have been discovered. Each Upanishad is associated with a certain Veda. There are 14 Upanishads

LEARN Sanskrit– Today we learn Sanskrit Months

January – February *माघः*
February – March *फाल्गुनः*
March – April *चैत्रः*
April – May *वैशाखः*
May – June *ज्येष्ठः*
June – July *आषाढः*
July – August *श्रावणः*
August – September *भाद्रपदः*
September – October *आश्विनः*
October – November *कार्तिकः*
November – December *मार्गशीर्षः*
December – January *पौषः*

Naveen Kumar Ch. Naveen Kumar

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