Education- Interesting facts 23 May 2023

lakshman cuts off the nose of shurpanakha


India observes the National Anti-Terrorism Day on May 21 every year. The day is observed to commemorate the death of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who was assassinated on this day in 1991.

Rajiv Gandhi, the youngest Indian prime minister at the age of 40, was assassinated on May 21, 1991, by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Rajiv was the second Indian prime minister to be assassinated after his mother Indira Gandhi, who was killed by her bodyguards.


Shurpanakha : Ravan’s sister whose ears and nose were cut by Laxman. Shurpanakha was the main reason for Ravan’s death. Actually her husband Vidyujjihva was killed by Ravana, so to take revenge she choose Shri Rama, who can only kill Ravana.

According to Bhramavaivrata Purana, it was written that Surpanakha penanced Brahma to get Rama as her husband in her next birth. Brahma gave her the boon. She was that maiden who served Krishna (the Avatar of Rama or Vishnu) with sincere devotion. Her name was Kubja who had three stoops on her backbone. Shri Krishna made those to disappear and hence she became more beautiful. She was one among Lord Krishna’s wives.

LEARN Sanskrit

वे सब देवालय को गए।

They all went to the temple.

ते सर्वे देवालयम् अगच्छन्।


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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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