Digital Highways

Digital Highways

In Gist:

  • National Highways Authority of India or NHAI is working towards the development of around 10,000 km of Digital Highways.
  • They are targeted to be completed before the financial year 2024-25 ends.
  • The National Highways Authority of India or NHAI is the nodal agency of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways in India.
  • They are working to build 10,000 kilometers of Optic Fibre Cables (OFC) infrastructure across the country.
  • The National Highways Logistics Management Limited (NHLML), a fully-owned special purpose vehicle (SPV) of NHAI.
  • It is through the portable network of “digital highways” developing integrated utility corridors along the national highways to develop OFC infrastructure.
  • Two Highways have been identified as pilot routes for digital highway development:
    1. Delhi-Mumbai Expressway of around 1,367 kilometers
    2. Hyderabad-Bangalore Corridor of around 512 km
  • The creation of Digital Highways will have a multifold positive impact on the digital transformation of our country


Prerna Gupta


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