Making It to the Top

Making It to the Top

No matter how tough we
appear physically, mentally,
or emotionally, there will be
times when we are not certain
how to respond or act
the best way possible.

Many times, we will be afraid
of loneliness, exam, a new city,
humor, strangers, delayed
decision, and changing us,

But you know whatIt’s okay. Because we are all
scared, in some corner of our
hearts we all have something
so special that we are
damn scared to lose,

For, we know if we lose that
one dream, that one person,
that one truth, that one way,
We will have to struggle
within ourself to find our
ways back,

and it’s okay, for we are all
scared, but we are not scared
alone. And we must keep
moving with smiles on faces
and love in hearts.


Prerna Gupta


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