When you feel like quitting, remember why you started.
-John Di Lemme
When the clock is ticking, and you don’t have the required strength and peace to carry on, carry on. Push yourself. Because only when you will push yourself, you will discover your real strengths, and what you are capable of. Every champion, every winner, and every President has gone through the phase when every cell in their body wanted to give up.
And the choice that they made then, made all the difference. The one thing that differentiates a loser from a champion is that champion is willing to push beyond the pain period ad create what he cares for.
Living an average life is not what you want, and it would eventually kill you if you give up on your dreams. There will be mornings in the world, but never on your window. You will slip on to dark days where getting and dressing up would be alien things to do. And slowly steadily, you will decay yourself to death.
There is nothing as empowering as following one’s dream and making it a living reality of your life. You got this! You can do this! Because Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.
Keep going! Keep hustling!