Education- Interesting facts 09 February 2023

Why is Onion and garlic not consumed by people belonging to some sects of Hindus


Dehradun is made up of two words: Dehra is derived from the word Dera, meaning camp or temporary settlement. Dun or Doon in Garhwali language refers to a valley that lies between the middle Himalayas and the “Shivaliks”. … This is when the word Dehra was linked to Dun, and thus the city was named Dehradun.


A story behind Garlic and Onions, why they are not been used by Vaishnavas 🧅🧄

According to Vishnu Purana, Devas and the asuras jointly churned Kshirabdhi (Milky Ocean) wherefrom emerged Dhanvantari with the Amrtakumbha (pot of nectar).

But an asura mayavi (magician) called *Saimhikeya* absconded to Patala with the Amrtakumbha which nobody noticed as everybody was busy with dividing other divine objects. Only after the mayavi’s disappearance was it noticed that the Amrtakumbha was missing. At once Mahavisnu assumed the figure of a beautiful woman, got back the Kumbha and gave it to the devas. The devas began drinking the amrta when, at the instance of some other devas, Saimhikeya, the mayavi, assuming the form of an old Brahmin reached svarga, (Heaven) got a share of the amrta and began to drink it. Surya and Candra (Sun and Moon) who were on guard at the gates divined the secret of the ‘old Brahmin’ and informed Mahavishnu about it. Shri Vishnu immediately cut the throat of the pseudo-Brahmin with his Sudarshana Chakra. But, half of the nectar he had drunk stayed above the throat and the other half below it. Therefore, though the head and the trunk were severed they remained alive. These two parts, in course of time, evolved as Rahu and Ketu

When the throat was cut some blood dropped on the ground, and became the red onion and the white onion (garlic) respectively. So both onion and garlic originated from the throat and blood of the demons or asuras, thus their consumption brings us closer to tamo guna (mode of ignorance) which characterizes the nature of the demons and thus is detrimental to bhakti.

There are different reasons according to Vedic Sanatan Dharma
Garlic, onion and carrot increase rajas, especially sexual desire. Not good for spiritual life.

There are 3 types of foods in Hindu and Jain scientific understanding.

They are –
Rajasic, and sathwick.
Tamasic foods encourage sloth, dullness, and sexual arousal.

LEARN Sanskrit
नातिक्रान्तानि शोचेत प्रस्तुतान्यनागतानि चित्यानि ।

naatikraantaani shochet prastutaanyanaagataani chityaani .

One should not regret what is past. One should only think of the present and future.


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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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