Cherish the Journey

Cherish the Journey

“When you have already committed, then, you will reach there, today, tomorrow, or eventually.
But after reaching, what will matter is how you reached there. So, focus on making your journey
enjoyable and memorable. The destination is anyways beautiful. You got this. Now, cherish the

much oftener than usual,
when we are in our strict
training period before the
Big match, we are harsh
on ourselves in creative

oh! slept till late, then, work
twice today. oh! tired during
practicing then, no food

we are hard on ourselves for
no reason. there is a very thin
line between discipline and

and we can be cruel to
ourselves. it does not
always have to be ‘others’
who are mean monsters.

remember, we are humans.
we are neither perfect nor masters.
we should practice continuous kindness
and self-love towards ourselves.

if we are to succeed in our mission,
it is love and positive self-talk
that will take us to success,
not insensitivity and trash talk.


Prerna Gupta


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