The Musical Doc releases “A Carnatic Christmas”

A Carnatic Christmas

Dr. Varshini Muralikrishnan aka The Musical Doc ignites this holiday season with her beautiful holiday rendition of “A Carnatic Christmas”- a sonic amalgamation of what Christmas meant for the Doc growing up in a mixed religious and cultural environment.

Her beautiful voice and vocal command with Carnatic Riffs and melodies so flawlessly intertwine with the traditional holiday song “Last Christmas”, engineered and produced by Peter Madana.

The Musical Doc’s Carnatic Christmas unfolds her truth of identity and representation of what the holiday meant for her. Her delivery is honest and a safe space for listeners to sonically unwind and relate with her cross cultural worlds of sonic expression.

The Musical Doc made the following statement about the song: “As an Indian kid growing up with Hindu and Catholic influences in my home, I remember forever feeling like the black sheep at any holiday event. “Why was I the only Indian kid at church on Christmas Eve, why did my Indian friends put up Christmas trees but not acknowledge what the holiday itself represented? Why could I not sing Carnatic music in church, and Church songs at a Sabha? As a young person, navigating through the concept of identity, whilst growing up in an environment where it’s all so taboo to openly speak about, was indeed CONFUSING. It wasn’t until I stepped into myself, my power, found my voice, found my truth, where I could say, this is who I am, where I want to go, where I came from. And that’s something I will never be ashamed or afraid to express. This song in a way is the song I wish I always had as a kid. I hope it reaches your heart and homes with warmth, love, and light. Open conversation, have them, they build bridges!”

The Musical Doc is a powerhouse talent recognized on a global stage by audiences around the world. The singer/songwriter has had editorial support from the likes of Rolling Stone Magazine, Best voices of 2020 BBC Radio along with Track of the week, and has been a featured performer at venues like The Hollywood Bowl, Miller Amphitheater, Sydney Opera House, The Mint, Walt Disney Hall, The United Nations Headquarters, and others.

Dr. Varshini Muralikrishnan, commonly renowned as ‘THE MUSICAL DOC’ curates an exceptional genre of music by fueling inspiration and innovation to amplify diversity, soul and higher consciousness through her artistic philosophy. Born and bred into a family of world music

Doctorates, TMD’s identity and upbringing was defined through Classical South Indian Carnatic, and world music. The Musical Doc – an authentic singer, songwriter, performer and producer who is also an actual medical doctor, genuinely strives to make an impact globally with her education, awareness and artistic expression. She has achieved prestigious accomplishments as a soloist and a featured performer, The Musical Doc dedicates her voice and art to speaking her truth, breaking barriers with her creative compositions and relentlessly changing the dynamics for oppressed conversations.


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