Greater Service

Greater Service

Moments come during the day
when you feel like giving up
and running away, even if it is
for some time, but then, you
sit still, breathe fresh air for
12 cycles and start working.

This happens when you have
found your purpose. When you
have felt in your heart, blood,
and bones that the goal
you are working towards
is something much more
significant than

Even if you die, IT must carry on.

The cause. The service.
The spark. The fire.
The beauty. The kindness.

Something that began
to ease the pain and suffering,
Something that began
to lighten the hearts,

Something that began
to spread joy and happiness,
Something that began
to give faith, hope, and shelter,

must carry on. And yes, it is
undoubtedly larger than you.
But always remember- it
was born from you.


Prerna Gupta


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